Comparison vs Confidence

How do we judge our worth and our abilities? Through comparison? What standards do we use, what criteria do we have for this? Is it by comparing our abilities and our worth with other people that we use comparison ultimately impacting our confidence?

Do you need COURAGE to have CONFIDENCE?

What came first the courage or the confidence? It’s a bit like asking what came first the chicken or the egg? Do you need both of them? Is one more important that the other? So, you could argue that you can’t get to that feeling of confidence without having courage. And if confidence is something we have to practice, like anything we want to be good at, then you need a shot courage to give it a go, to make a start.

Enrichment for Your Confidence

The BIG PANTS are on and I’m pulling them right up because I’m so excited to be launching ‘Enrich Your Confidence’ as a series. A complete view of all things confidence; supported by blogs, videos & podcasts full of tips tools & techniques you can take practical action with across my social media in the coming months.
