How boundaries impact confidence

Boundaries show where one thing ends, and another begins. Boundaries are an interesting confidence impacter. It’s true that when our boundaries are infringed by someone it can have a negative impact our confidence.

It’s my 5th Business Birthday!

It's my 5th Business Birthday! I can believe Enrichment Coaching is 5. Where did those 5 years go? I clearly remember on 8th July 2019, sat in my garden, taking a deep breath, pulling up my BIG PANTS and pressing PUBLISH across my website and social media channels.

Enrichment for Your Confidence

The BIG PANTS are on and I’m pulling them right up because I’m so excited to be launching ‘Enrich Your Confidence’ as a series. A complete view of all things confidence; supported by blogs, videos & podcasts full of tips tools & techniques you can take practical action with across my social media in the coming months.

Why BIG PANTS are BIGGER than you might think

I talk A LOT about pulling up your BIG PANTS and just getting on with it in relation to building confidence.

Why it took me so long to introduce myself on video

I finally recorded a video for my social media (mainly for LinkedIn). I had procrastinated for ages. I wanted to introduce myself to my followers and give them a better understanding of who am I and what I’m like and I knew the only way to do this would be through video.

Networking with confidence

The purpose of networking is to share best practice, helpful tips and advice with others in your area of expertise, it’s great to create referrals for people in business and make recommendations for other businesses.
