It's a confidence demon ????. It holds us back and stops us from taking action.

Confidence Cousins

Usually grouped under the confidence banner, you'd be forgiven for thinking they’re really similar but explored individually these family members bring something entirely unique to building your confidence.

Is confidence in our DNA?

It turns out confidence can actually be genetic and in our DNA, for some of us it’s thought to be anywhere between 25% – 50%.


Self-trust is all about having a great relationship with yourself. It’s built on being kind and compassionate to yourself, listening to your instinct and giving you the space & time to think.

What is clarity?

What is clarity & how can I get it? Clarity is one of those words we hear around us a lot, but how often do we take the time to understand what it means and how we can get it.

Confidence & Me – My own journey with confidence

This blog is all about confidence & me, exploring my journey with confidence.

How to boost self-esteem & build confidence to Be More You

With this month (Feb 21) being Boost your Self Esteem Month, which is closely related to confidence, you might have decided to take some steps to find ways to have more confidence in yourself.

Confidence is like a muscle

Confidence is like a muscle, you need to work on it to make it stronger.

Networking with confidence

The purpose of networking is to share best practice, helpful tips and advice with others in your area of expertise, it’s great to create referrals for people in business and make recommendations for other businesses.
