Do you need COURAGE to have CONFIDENCE?

What came first the courage or the confidence? It’s a bit like asking what came first the chicken or the egg? Do you need both of them? Is one more important that the other? So, you could argue that you can’t get to that feeling of confidence without having courage. And if confidence is something we have to practice, like anything we want to be good at, then you need a shot courage to give it a go, to make a start.

Comparison vs Confidence

How do we judge our worth and our abilities? Through comparison? What standards do we use, what criteria do we have for this? Is it by comparing our abilities and our worth with other people that we use comparison ultimately impacting our confidence?

How to confidently step out of your comfort zone

Hanging around in your comfort zone won’t do you any favours. We all know about our comfort zone, you know it’s that space you like to hang out where you are in control, you know what’s going to happen...


It's a confidence demon ????. It holds us back and stops us from taking action.

How boundaries impact confidence

Boundaries show where one thing ends, and another begins. Boundaries are an interesting confidence impacter. It’s true that when our boundaries are infringed by someone it can have a negative impact our confidence.

It’s my 5th Business Birthday!

It's my 5th Business Birthday! I can believe Enrichment Coaching is 5. Where did those 5 years go? I clearly remember on 8th July 2019, sat in my garden, taking a deep breath, pulling up my BIG PANTS and pressing PUBLISH across my website and social media channels.

Confidence Cousins

Usually grouped under the confidence banner, you'd be forgiven for thinking they’re really similar but explored individually these family members bring something entirely unique to building your confidence.

Is confidence in our DNA?

It turns out confidence can actually be genetic and in our DNA, for some of us it’s thought to be anywhere between 25% – 50%.

How to combat overthinking

Overthinking is defined as "a loop of unproductive thoughts" or "an excessive amount of thoughts that are unnecessary. Overthinking can be a hard habit to break. You might even convince yourself that thinking about something for a really long time is the way to get the best solution or answer. But that’s usually not the case.
