The BIG PANTS are on and I’m pulling them right up because I’m so excited to be launching ‘Enrich Your Confidence’ as a series. A complete view of all things confidence; supported by blogs, videos & podcasts full of tips tools & techniques you can take practical action with across my social media in the coming months.
You might be thinking;
- I’ll never be confident so what’s the point
- I want to be more confident but working with a coach or someone who can help me is too expensive
- I’ve never been confident & don’t really want to work on it, I’ve done alright so far
- I don’t have the time to work on my confidence I’ll just keep winging it
If you can relate to any of these then ‘Enrich Your Confidence’ series will be perfect for you. Throughout I’ll be sharing thought provoking ideas, tips, tools & techniques you can put into action to enable you to be more confident so you don’t have to wing it! I’ll be chatting to business owners, experts & leaders, getting their views and opinions on confidence; how it affects them & how they manage their confidence. I guarantee however you feel about your confidence you certainly won’t be on your own.
What is Confidence?
The word confidence comes from the Latin word CONFIDERE which means to have full trust – full trust in yourself despite the outcome, it’s about what we think & believe we can & can’t do. Having self-trust and self-belief is fundamental to having confidence or being confident.
Confidence is a belief that something can & will happen, it works through and underpins everything we do. We all have a level of confidence but it looks, feels and sounds different for every single person. You might find it easy to stand on stage and deliver a talk to 100’s of people, but you might find it hard or scary to do your 60 second pitch at networking. Confidence presents itself in a different way to each & every one of us, like fingerprints its unique to you and only you can know what that level of confidence is for you.
REMEMBER: Confidence is not about what we can & can’t do but what we THINK and BELIEVE we can & can’t do.
Confidence is just like a muscle and the more you work on it, the stronger it will become. A muscle is made up of a kind of elastic tissue and each muscle consists of thousands of small muscle fibres, so you can imagine it’s a magnificent complicated thing. For me and the clients I work with the confidence muscle is made up of varying different elements and can be complicated; once you know how it works you can focus on the fibre you want to make stronger.
You can read more about the Confidence Muscle my blog HERE
However you want to strengthen that confidence muscle, the Enrich Your Confidence series will fall into 5 categories, capturing topics that have the potential to have the biggest impact on confidence. There is so much wrapped up in each category, (only skimming the surface here), I’ll explore things that positively & negatively affect your confidence.
- Your Inner Critic
- Why we have one, where does it come from?
- That voice inside telling you what you should & shouldn’t do, asking you about the what if’s? The good news is you don’t need to get rid of it just some way to take back its power over you
- The Comfort Zone
- They say life begins at the end of your comfort zone – but how do confident people truly use the comfort zone to their advantage?
- Exploring ways to step out of it & what happens when you spend too long outside of it
- Pulling up your Big Pants
- My favourite topic & how they can help you in your life, business or career. Big pants can help you to make decisions
- They are bigger than you think and the power is palpable
- Act As If
- You don’t have to wing it or fake it anymore, faking it isn’t sustainable it’ll stress you out because you can’t live like that long term
- Act as if you are confident, practice, practice, practice, you won’t be confident overnight it will take time
- Strengthen the Confidence Muscle
- This muscle is a complicated piece of equipment, so by breaking it down into smaller manageable chunks and identifying what to work on & where to start will help the strengthening process
- We’ll explore the Enrichment Confidence Cycle & you’ll meet a family of confidence cousins that can ally round to support you in your quest to be more confident
Whether you are running your own business or working for someone else Enrich Your Confidence is for everyone who wants to build their confidence in their role, their business or in themselves. There will be something new each month for you to read, listen to and watch and more importantly for you to take action with to make a positive difference to your confidence.
So what’s next…well before we go any further I believe it’s important you know a little bit more about me so I’ll be sharing my story, why I’m not confident all the time and what I do to keep my confidence levels in check.
Want to understand more about confidence? WATCH my latest video HERE
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